
EWB-USA mobilizes volunteers to partner with communities who strive to meet their basic infrastructure needs. We support their efforts to adapt and thrive. Together, we are building footbridges to provide pathways to opportunities; We are installing solar panels to bring light where it is dark; We’re digging for water so hope can spring from the ground. Each project builds the foundation for a community to thrive. But it takes more than materials to build a strong foundation.

Communities are at the heart of EWB-USA’s approach to development. The engineering expertise of our volunteers can only be put to work when we’ve formed a true partnership with those requesting our services. Together, we identify and implement appropriate solutions that communities are equipped to maintain for years to come. We believe sustainability isn’t just a goal — it’s a practice and that we are committed to constantly improving how we work with communities to deliver lasting results. Our programs are designed to constantly reflect and improve our solutions and to foster leadership growth for all involved. Since our founding in 2002, we have iterated on and improved our project delivery model to ensure quality, sustainability, and empowerment are at the center of every partnership we make.

Our Vision:

A world where every leader is equipped to build and every community is built to thrive.

Our Mission:

Partner with communities to develop leaders and build a better world.

The Board of Directors:

EWB-USA is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors. Our board of directors comprises leaders from a number of sectors. Each director acts as independent stewards of EWB-USA as a public good and brings their lived experiences and professional expertise to bear when doing so. Our board is diligent in the creation of an equitable and inclusive environment where every voice and point of view is heard and adds value to the decisions we make together. Our board as a whole is greater than the sum of each individual contributor. Our Board is focused on strategy and seeks to position EWB-USA for its greatest possible impact potential. Our board members champion the importance of exceptional board leadership and believe that each and every organization needs a strong and effective board to fully realize its potential for impact. In addition to the standard roles and responsibilities of a board member, our board members are active advocates and ambassadors for the organization. 

The Board of Directors meets on a quarterly basis, and works year-round in Board Committees, in close collaboration with EWB-USA’s CEO. Our Governance Committee reviews the Board’s competence, skills and diversity every year and recruits for specific positions.

Board Volunteer Position Overview:

We are excited to welcome a new Director to bring the faculty advisor perspective with a passion and commitment to Community Engineering as a way to deliver impact both locally and globally.

Responsibilities include:

  • Regularly attend and actively participate in quarterly Board meetings.

  • Regularly attend and actively participate in at least one Board Committee

  • Serve on EWB-USA’s Faculty Leadership Council.

  • Provide input in the development, management, and evaluation of policies, strategy and operating plans.

  • Oversee organizational finances including the approval of yearly budgets.

  • Oversee risks facing the organization and ensure they are properly managed.

  • Advocate for and positively represent EWB-USA to the general public.

  • Provide support to EWB-USA’s efforts to secure funding for its activities.

    • Directors are also all invited to support EWB-USA financially, to the extent of their personal capacity to give.

At this time, we are welcoming applicants with one or more of the following experience and skills:

  • An active, or recently active faculty advisor with EWB-USA.

  • Ability to speak to a broad set of faculty/lecturer/staff volunteer perspectives in Board discussions.

Time Commitment:

  • 10-20 hours per quarter for Quarterly Board meetings (including reading board materials). 

  • 5-10 hours per month for committee work and preparing for and attending FLC meetings.

  • Participation at our Annual conferences (next up March 6-9, 2024)

  • Service term: 3 years

Location and expenses

Our meetings are hosted at EWB-USA headquarters, in Denver, Colorado. Travel and accommodation are at the Director’s expense. EWB-USA is able to consider accommodation when the financial burden would be a barrier to participation, and some meetings can be attended virtually. Food during meetings is covered by EWB-USA.

Place of residence of the applicant is not a barrier to successful application. The space is wheelchair accessible. EWB-USA is conscious about time differences when scheduling meetings, and will do our best to schedule meetings at a suitable time for all.

Diversity, Inclusion and Gender Equality

EWB-USA embraces diverse cultures, heritages, experiences and opinions in efforts to enrich our programs and foster inclusive decision making. EWB-USA is committed to providing inclusive, barrier-free participation free from discrimination, and to selecting diverse candidates to our Board.

EWB-USA seeks to achieve a vision of a more equitable society, inherent to which is the enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms by all persons, regardless of gender identity, sexual orientation, race, class, ethnicity, disability, age or any other status. Particularly we are attentive to gender equity in the workplace and around the decision making table.

Application Process

Interest individuals may submit their application via HireHive.

Application deadline: July 8, 2024

Applicants are asked to submit a resume/CV and respond to the following questions (in 200 words or less per answer):

  • What drew you to apply to be a Director for EWB-USA's board and why do you want to be a part of the team? 

  • What aspect of EWB-USA’s work most excites you? What are some areas for growth potential that you see in the organization?

  • How do you believe EWB-USA should pursue development in a more equitable manner?

Successful applicants will be contacted by July 29, 2024 and invited to participate in the interview process that will be conducted virtually.  We encourage applicants to invite a person of support during the interview process if they so desire. 

If you are facing any barriers that may inhibit your ability to take part in the interview process, please let us know when we reach out to schedule the interview and we will make accommodations.

For questions about the position or application process, please contact Chris Lombardo at

Thank you for taking the time to express your interest!

Apply for position now